45 Underrated Pleasures of Life.
As I listened to one of my favorite podcasters talk about the pleasures of life and how some of them can be so underrated like we do not even think of it as IT.
Life is nothing without living and even the little things we do impacts us. How we feel when certain things happen may not really sink in sometimes but when you think about it, you realize that it actually feels good. Especially when we miss it.
Like the first rain every season, we don’t know when it will come. But each time it does, it feels so good to witness it. One of the underrated pleasures of life yeah.
These days, I am trying to keep my articles short as possible so you can enjoy reading from time to time. So here are some of the underrated pleasures of life I thought about, leave yours in the comment section, please. I would love to know.
1. Hugs
2. Food
3. Making a playlist
4. Reading
5. Cleaning
6. Fresh clean clothes
7. Having someone you like cook for you
8. Soulful Music
9. Having your alone time
10. Journaling
11. Doing Absolutely Nothing
12. Singing
13. Music
14. Making lists
15. Deep Belly Laughter
16. Seeing your loved ones after a long time
17. Having something work out for good for you
18. Spending money you didn’t work for
19. Watching Nature
20. Having conversations that flows
21. That quiet time before giving in to sleep
22. Being pampered
23. Scented candles
24. Delicious flavoured tea
25. Lovely music, preferably old songs you used to love
26. Not worrying about anything
27. Deep, unencumbered and guiltless sleep after finishing a task
28. Solitude and quiet, and the comfort of not having to speak with anyone just for the sake of it.
29. Self care
30. Staying in bed all day doing nothing and worrying about nothing
31. Good laugh
32. Blocking someone toxic
33. Kissing
34. Taking off your bra
35. The smell of rain
36. Good health
37. Watching the sunset
38. Talking to your partner for hours
39. Quality Sleep
40. Humor, Fun, Just Fun in its simplest form
41. Cracking your knuckles
42. Credit alert of money you didn’t work for, and it’s yours to use
43. Finding the right songs for your mood
44. Finding the right movie on Netflix
45. Eating good
You might not feel the impact of most of these things until you miss them, that’s why we need to appreciate all forms of pleasures in our lives starting today.
My top three are 45, 10, and 38, what’s yours??? Leave a clap or two for me, it’s encouraging. Love love.