creating your happiness.

Mariam Seme
2 min readJan 18, 2024


a million beautiful feelings, all for one person…that’s you.❤️

One of the things I love so much about a friend is, how she knows how to create her happiness. She finds happiness in the little things, and it’s always so beautiful to watch. I am quite the opposite. I see happiness as something that needs to be huge, worthwhile, worth it, and worth telling, and why do I need to be happy about little things? And the worst of all, allowing people or situations to determine how happy I am.

Imagine withholding happiness — that’s extremely sad. One of my goals this year is to create happiness. I should not put a hold on whatever makes me happy because the current situation doesn’t permit me to be. From now on, I am allowing my heart to feel happiness as it comes. I am creating happiness from the little things I have going on. I am not going to borrow grief from tomorrow, because I am busy being happy with my now.

I just want to be happy, not confused, not hurt, not stressed. Just happy.

One of the things that I find important to share here is that only you can create your happiness. Why let sadness be the most consuming emotion, but let happiness flicker for just a tiny little moment in your life? I ask myself this sometimes, and I tell myself to choose to be happy. But I don’t want to just choose to be happy, I want to create my happiness. To understand that happiness can also come from me, as it should be.

I started with gratitude, being grateful for the little and big things I have. I am practicing creating happiness from whatever I do, it doesn’t matter what people think about it. Caring what others think about things that bring you joy honestly ruins it. I block out negativity from my life, social media, and workplace. I am putting my happiness first, no matter what. Knowing that things that will serve me won’t stress me. Knowing when to leave a sad place, or state of mind. It all begins with me.

I am laughing at anything funny to me. I smile at myself and mutter “You are so pretty” and “You look so happy” whenever I look in a mirror. I am learning to not seek validation from anyone about myself. I am more than enough, I can create my happiness by doing even mundane things. The most important thing is that I am happy.

How do you create your happiness??

Thank you for reading. Please leave claps, comment and share. love love.

