for the little girl that lives within you

Mariam Seme
Jul 3, 2024


Do you still remember me??

What are the moments that make you happy ?

When are you most yourself?

When do you allow yourself to feel all of your emotions without caring how anyone views them?

I hope you haven’t killed the excitement that comes from the little things.

I hope that you are true to yourself.

I hope that you make choices based on how you truly feel.

What does she love ?

What does she hate ?

What are the things she likes to taste ?

What were her favorite colors ?

What makes her giggle, what makes her laugh ?

What were the bedtime stories she loved the most ?

I hope that you have answers to these questions, for the little girl that lives within you.



Mariam Seme

I am PRO making choices. Do you. I write about what we all are doing "LIFE"