It’s almost 2024, and I don’t feel ready for it.
Counting down to the new year is when everyone starts to reflect on their goals, what they have been able to achieve so far, setting new goals for the new year, making plans to celebrate the new year – and all of that.
“You” is me too!!
And there is you, feeling indifferent about the new year because 2023 hasn’t been easy on you. You can count so many lows that you can count the highs. Life is happening to you and it’s not looking like it’s coming to an end. Everything is a mess, financially, physically, mentally, and emotionally.
As everyone is talking about their New Year plans, or sharing information about things to do before the new year, and how to prepare for 2024, … You are uninterested in it, because sadness has enveloped you.
Well, you are not alone. Let me tell you how I am changing my perspective and preparing for 2024.
Have you ever thought about how everyone is living their lives? Like we all have things going on with us, in our heads, we love or hate different people/things —we all have different perspectives on life.
We all have moments, highs and lows. Save to say, we all go through the things we need to go through because that’s what defines life.
Our ability to experience all it has to offer. The laughter, tears, happiness, sadness, pain, comfort, ease and unease. We have to go through all of it, and we all do.
I learned to appreciate the good and bad days because they give meaning to each other. The bad days helped me to cherish the good days more. The good days help me understand why there are bad days and appreciate them more.
It’s always not easy to think about life this way, especially when the bad days happen concurrently – and you are left wondering what you are doing wrong in life. You try to find out what it is that’s making everything go so wrong all the time, you are tired of complaining, waking up, and living.
It’s not easy, it’s a phase no one wants to go through every day. Those bad days that seem like life is against you.
I am here to say that, I am there right now. I woke up this morning and decided that I would feel every emotion caused by the bad days and move on. Why? Because I want to prepare for the good days.
I have written out all the things that make me sad, all of it. I have also written what I can do to make it go away beside each of them. Now I can see which ones I have control over, and the ones that I do not.
The ones I do not have control over gives me more problem, so I accept that I do not have control over them and let them go. Letting them go, by accepting that it has happened and there is nothing I can do about it. Making sure that I do not let that affect my other days, because life must be lived – and I do not want to spend all of my days worrying, and brooding over things I can’t control.
No magic is going to make it all go away, that’s why you need to decide to take action over the consistent sad days.
Like I said, it’s not easy. “It’s just a phase” people would say. Of course, it is a phase, but it is not “just” a phase. It is a mentally and emotionally draining phase that we need to find the strength to accept, reflect on, and weigh the options of solving or letting go.
Your “I can’t believe this is happening to me” should change to “This has happened, how do I let it affect me”
My first advice when you have a bad day is to let it out. Cry, journal, talk about it, scream, let the hurt go. Then accept that it has happened to you, no one has a perfect life. Try solving the problem, and if you can’t – let it go. Life goes on, with or without you worrying and losing sleep over it.
With this, I hope that you find the energy for 2024. It’s a process, do not force it. In fact, it’s okay to feel the new year in February. Go easy.
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