Life Lately: Growth

Mariam Seme
3 min read5 days ago


I am writing about growth. 💗

As I write this article, I am sitting pretty in my new apartment. I am so happy today, I thought about how grown I have become, so I am writing about growth.

Growth is perceptive. However you measure it, it works anyways, as long as there is progress. We all have an idea in our heads of what growth – our growth should look like, what defines them, when you acknowledge them, and that’s great.

But growth isn’t only about reaching milestones. It’s about recognizing the small, often unseen moments that add up, shaping the person you are becoming. It’s those incremental decisions and choices, the ones we may not even notice at the time, that reveal just how much we have grown.

Growth is making decisions, and second guessing what ifs, what would have been, while accepting what is. It’s the quiet acceptance that life won’t always follow a perfect plan and yet finding peace in the choices you have made.

Growth is facing the world everyday with your head up high even when it feels heavy, mirroring perfection, and acknowledging that both your perfect and imperfections defines you.

Growth is accepting that friendships and relationships can have moments of inconvenience, and that as good friends, we must accommodate them.

Growth is defining who you are, and taking steps towards the final point of where you want to be, even when the path seems unclear.

Lately, I have also acknowledged that growth can be inconsistent. Life throws so much at us, often all at once, leaving no time to pause, reflect, or even choose which obstacle to handle first. Growth, in those moments, feels relentless — like you’re constantly fixing one thing while another problem looms. Yet, somehow, we manage. Even with the chaos, we get through it, perhaps a bit battered, but still growing nonetheless.

Growth is letting things go, leaving things where they are at, choosing yourself, and chasing peace.

Growth is giving grace to people you meet, your friends, partners, family, a boss, an employee, a co-worker, people on the internet, and most importantly, yourself — especially when you make mistakes, or when things don’t go as planned.

Growth is learning and unlearning from other people’s experiences. Understanding that you don’t have to make the same mistakes before you can acknowledge their shortcomings. Every opportunity is a learning experience.

Growth is a story, every cycle of growth has its challenges, its beauty, its pain, its time, and every part needs to be acknowledged by you — as you experience growth.

As you continue on this journey, choose yourself. Extend kindness not only to others but also to yourself, because growth is not just about becoming better. It’s about accepting who you are, where you’ve been, and where you’re headed. Growth is a journey — one that deserves patience, grace, and self-love.

I hope to write about growth again… until then, you can leave about 50 claps.

I am happy even if it’s for a while, I am happy.



Mariam Seme

I am PRO making choices. Do you. I write about what we all are doing "LIFE"