Sex, Love and Goop: The Erotic Blueprints

Mariam Seme
6 min readJan 1, 2023


Seasons Greetings Dear Reader. I want to use this opportunity to thank you for constantly clicking on my articles. The New year is the time when most people make new resolutions: have you made yours? I am not the type that believes in having new year’s resolutions, because it does not always end well. I only believe in setting goals I would like to achieve for the year, this has worked for me. You should try it too.

In December, I watched this documentary on my wishlist, and I enjoyed it. There are several things we do not know about our sexuality and watching this series helped me learn a lot.

I am very much interested in topics related to sex, women’s bodies, and some other topics related to these two. I like to learn about new stuff, and if you do too, then do not stop reading.

Title of Netflix documentary: Sex, Love and Goop

Goop is a modern lifestyle blog about a lot of topics like sex. Goop, Netflix, and experts in the field of sex therapy and somatic sexology came up with this interesting documentary to educate people especially women about their bodies and sexuality. I rate it 8/10. You can check it out here.

Here’s one review that is related to what I had in mind.

“Loved this show! These are some of the sacred practices of connecting with your body and with your partner. What I loved was all the professionals asked for permission every step of the way. I found it extremely safe, balanced, and educational to watch. We must have more such shows where different expressions of love are taught and represented educationally. The techniques performed in the show help one to look inwards, to figure out what we enjoy, how to communicate with our partners, recognize & accept our insecurities, and explore ways of expressing ourselves intimately. Experts guide and counsel the participants gently which made me feel safe to watch as a viewer. Massive thumbs up!” — Arpita Patnaik

It’s a lot, but I will talk about the things that captured my interest while watching. One of them is finding out that an Erotic Blueprint exists.

Your Erotic Blueprint is a map of your wiring and your turn-on. I like to think of it mostly as a language. Your Erotic Blueprint is like your turn-on language, your arousal language. The blueprint will either have positive or dark sides to it. You can move through these blueprints, so you can enhance the positive and we can release and heal the shadow aspects of the blueprint.

According to Jaiya Ma, an award-winning Somatic Sexologist who created the erotic blueprint, there are 5 types.

The sensual type

This is someone who’s turned on by all of their senses being ignited. This is someone who loves tastes, and smell. They want to walk into a beautiful setting when they’re coming into their erotic play. They bring art into play. And so the superpower of sensual is that they have full-body access to orgasmic pleasure through sensations; it isn’t always a genital-focused orgasm. It could be something like somebody feeding you a delicious piece of chocolate while they lick the back of your knee.

The sensual’s shadow: The shadow side of the sensual is getting caught in your head. It’s that everything in the room is not right. The pillow’s crooked. I’m worried about my body. It’s those things that distract from the sexual, full-body erotic experience.

The energetic type

This is someone who is turned on by anticipation, space, teasing, longing, and yearning. You may be energetic if you feel everything before the kiss happens. It’s like, Oh my god, oh my god, we’re going to kiss. We’re going to kiss, ah. That feeling. You are very, very sensitive, so it doesn’t take much to turn you on. It’s like dropping a pebble into the water. If you drop the pebble into water, the ripples will go out.

The energetic’s shadow: Oftentimes people say to an energetic, “Oh, you’re rigid,” but it’s just that there’s so much sense that they short-circuit. Part of the shadow side is that they can short-circuit very easily and shut down because it’s just too much stimulation. If you’re throwing giant boulders in the water over and over and over again, it’s too much for the energetic. They just need a pebble.

The sexual type

This is someone who is turned on by what we think of as sex in our culture. Nudity, genitals, orgasm, and penetration; are some of the things the sex loves. The superpower of the sexual is that usually, turn-on is pretty easy: You can go from zero to sixty quickly. It’s not that there’s a lack of depth, but there is simplicity. It’s like, I love this. This is what works. Let’s do this. It’s very straightforward in some ways; it’s easier to access arousal through the genitals.

The sexual’s shadow: The shadow side for the sexual type is that they get too focused on the genitals and too focused on the orgasm and too limited in their definition of what sexuality is. They’re missing the rest of the journey, oftentimes because they’re so focused on getting to the end goal of the orgasm. Oftentimes sexuals say, “Well, what? It’s all good. We’re having an orgasm,” when their partner brings up that they want something more in the bedroom. Everything else is too complex for them.

The kinky type

This is someone who is turned on by the taboo. There are a couple of different kinds of kinky types: One is more psychological, where it’s about power dynamics. One is more sensation-based, where it’s more about the feeling of ropes on their skin or impact play or intense sensation that arises. It’s not necessarily what we think of as kink, though; it’s about what’s taboo for you.

The kinky type’s shadow: The shadow side of the kinky type is tied to the sense that what turns you on is taboo, and you can feel shameful about it. It’s like, Oh, I shouldn’t be doing this. So then shame can come up. That can prohibit you from fully enjoying the pleasure. An interesting piece here is that shame can be a part of the turn-on, but it can also be part of the shadow if it’s inhibiting you. If it’s something that’s like, “I can’t do this thing or I can’t get out of my head because I’m thinking about how naughty this is,” then that can be an inhibitor to the turn-on.

In general, kinky doesn’t necessarily mean whips and chains.

It just means surprise, adventure. Maybe a little bit stronger touch, but also being led, you know, where you kind of can leave your head behind a bit. Like, it’s engaging and enjoyable and feels like you are participating in something more than just… you know, intercourse.

The shapeshifter type

This is someone who’s turned on by everything the sensual, sexual, kinky, and energetic types are turned on by. The superpower of a shapeshifter is that they can shapeshift to be an amazing lover to anyone. They can say, “Oh, my partner is sensual. I’ll shapeshift to be sensual.” And they’re turned on by that.

The shapeshifter’s shadow: For the shapeshifter, the shadow side is oftentimes that they’re not fed. They feel like they’re too much. Somebody somewhere in the past usually said something like, “Why can’t you just be satisfied with this? Why do you want more?” The shapeshifter loves more, more, more, more. There’s hunger. I find oftentimes the shapeshifters are starving because they’re shapeshifting to please other people and not being fed themselves.

So, all of this is a whole lot to take in, you may have to read twice. But nothing is ever too much to know when it comes to your sexuality. You can think about it and figure out which one you are or think you would be. As for me, I already know. And that’s my power to unlock any type of pleasure I want to feel. This I wish for you too.

In my next article, I will talk about another interesting topic from “sex love, and goop”.

PS: You can ask me any question you have. These are topics i do not run out of things to say. Happy New year !!



Mariam Seme
Mariam Seme

Written by Mariam Seme

I am PRO making choices. Do you. I write about what we all are doing "LIFE" Content / Project Manager Giving lifestyle experiences from personal perspective.

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