We can always make things beautiful.

Mariam Seme
4 min readJun 18, 2024


And we can make beautiful things, even more beautiful..

I have always loved to watch when artists make their art from scratch; making a mess on the canvas and proceeding to making the art look so beautiful with their hands by adding a little bit of twist and color. I watched a video recently where the girl made beautiful art from the jargon someone wrote. I was in awe of the little girl, it made me wonder why we don’t we see our lives from this perspective.

Creating art is beautiful and most times these beautiful pieces created started from ugly or mundane backgrounds. It can start with a dot, a line, a color, or a dash of paint, and you keep wondering what this artist is going to create. Still, in the mind of the artist, he or she is onto something beautiful, so your previous perspective doesn’t matter, doesn’t deter him/her from creating this amazing piece, and step by step, layer after layer, color after color, the artwork comes to life. You understand the mind of the artist now,

…omg it’s amazing, … that looks good, yeah, omg it’s so beautiful.

There are so many emotions that go on from the beginning to the point of realization of what is. The hard work of creating something you want, something no one else has in mind, or creating an already existing element in a unique way, all from putting things together into something beautiful.

I feel like we should add this approach to our real life, we can make our life beautiful first by taking steps that we are too afraid to take, daring to do and redo things that may seem stupid to do, by not getting distracted in reaching your goals no matter how rocky, lonely, or slow it gets. No matter who understands you or where you are going. I think it’s important that we have full control over the canvas of our lives, painting pictures or a picture that we have in our head for the kind of life that we deserve.

I have also noticed that artists utilize whatever is thrown at them. Like the girl who made beautiful art from jargon, she didn’t say give me another drawing board, she didn’t hesitate to pick up her drawing pen and get into creating meaningful art from it. That also goes for life too, you shouldn’t hesitate to utilize everything life throws at you at every point in time, the way you wield it determines what kind of life you are going to be leading or creating.

If life gives you lemons, make apple juice and make people wonder how the hell you did it. — Gurbaksh Chahal.

Another artist I would like to reference is Simon Berger. Anyone who knows Simon Berger would know his type of art involves breaking glass until it turns into a beautiful picture. Everyone watching Simon for the first time will always wonder why he is destroying a fine glass for the sake of art until you continue to watch and realize that you can create something beautiful from already beautiful things too. Like Simon, he knows what he is doing, he did not let the beautiful glass BE, he created something even more beautiful from it. I am sure when he started to master his art, there were a lot of glasses that didn’t turn out well but he didn’t give up, that is why we have an incredible artist called Simon Berger today.

I feel like each time we get to determine how to do things like the ways of artists, life is going to look like a piece of art. Everyone who was or wasn’t there when you were painting your story can have a new perspective of what your story means to them, and it’s mostly in a good way, one you can take pride in because no one knows how you got there, the struggles, mistakes, yay and nay moments, but everyone sees something beautiful and they have something to say, but no one except you knows the real story, that’s so much power.

The power we get just from being the artist of your dreams, painting a picture of your life, making it beautiful, enticing, inspiring, and yet unique.

Using this approach to life, we can make bad days better, conversations lighter, and we can make things beautiful just by choosing the right things to do, the right words to say, or the best way to go.

We can always make ugly things beautiful.

Take a look at your life, are you where you want to be, what are you doing to get there, are you there already, what are you doing to spice things up? Take on challenges, try new dimensions, add color and spark into the dullness, and spark up joy and good energy in your life no matter what it throws at you. Remember the choice is always yours to make.

I spent an entire day looking for the video of the little girl but I couldn’t find it. That video inspired me to write this piece.

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