Why do we hesitate?..

Mariam Seme
3 min readJun 15, 2024


Sometimes all you have to do is not hesitate to DO IT.

We hesitate a lot when it comes to taking actions that will change our lives for the better. Things we know we want to do badly, we hesitate to do them.

We hesitate to tell people we care about them. We hesitate to reach out to people we want to hear from. When we hesitate to say how we feel, we lose the opportunity to express our feelings and live in them.

We hesitate to take those opportunities we need because we think we can always do it anytime. Even though life has shown us that opportunities do come once, not because there won’t be other opportunities, but because there is time for all opportunities.

When we hesitate, in terms of getting what we want, we lose the opportunity to grab all that we need for the next opportunity.

Hesitation happens with everyone. We have all been there — standing at the crossroads, unsure which path to take, or which decision to make. But why do we hesitate? What holds us back from doing the things we really want to do, pursuing our dreams, and living the life we truly desire?

One reason we hesitate is fear. Fear of failure, fear of the unknown, fear of what others might think. We worry about making mistakes, about not being good enough, about being rejected or laughed at. This fear makes us doubt our abilities and question ourselves.

Another reason we hesitate is ‘the idea of getting it right the first time’. We want to get it just right, to make the perfect decision with he first action we take towards a goal. We get caught up in overthinking and overanalyzing every possibility, every outcome, and every failure. These holds us back instead if pushing us forward.

We get comfortable in our routines, habits, and our surroundings that we are afraid to try new things, to take risks. We cling to what we know, even if it’s not serving us, because it’s safe, it’s familiar, and it’s easy.

But perhaps the most common reason we hesitate is self-doubt. We question our abilities, our worthiness, our deservingness. We wonder if we are good enough, smart enough, or talented enough. We compare ourselves to others, and we come up short.

How can we overcome this hesitation?

We must acknowledge our hesitation and when we are indeed holding back. We must remind ourselves that failure is not the end, but a reminder of other ways that we can be successful and a natural part of growth and learning.

We must take action even if it’s scary. We must trust ourselves, our abilities, and our worthiness. We must remember that we are capable, we are strong, and we are deserving of living our best lives.

So, stop hesitating. Stop waiting for the perfect moment, the perfect plan, the perfect outcome. Take a deep breath, gather your courage, and take the first step. Embrace the unknown, and make your dreams a reality.

Don’t hesitate to leave a comment and claps under this post. Love love.



Mariam Seme

I am PRO making choices. Do you. I write about what we all are doing "LIFE"