You become powerful when you START caring.
Too often, people say, “You become powerful when you stop caring.” I have never agreed with this wholeheartedly. The real question is, what do you need to be powerful about? YOURSELF. Who needs to be powerful? YOU. What do you need to care for the most? YOURSELF.
You become powerful when you start caring about YOU. Instead of choosing to stop caring about people, things, or situations that don’t serve you, focus on yourself, what you want, and those who support you. Center your power around your needs and desires.
By fixating on what you should or shouldn’t care about, you end up focusing on the wrong things, overthinking your decisions, and living on edge. But when you focus on yourself and what you care about, everything else fades into the background.
You become powerful when you start caring about the kind of energy you receive, the things worth your time and thoughts, what makes you happy, and what you truly want and don’t want. Power comes from taking charge of your life, shaping it into what you desire. It’s about controlling what you allow in and out of your life, and determining who positively impacts you and who doesn’t.
When do you become powerful? Share how you take charge of yourself in the comment section.
Affirmations that will help you claim your power:
I am powerful when I set boundaries, or when I make decisions that serve me.
I am powerful because I say so.
I am powerful, I can make choices.
I am powerful today, tomorrow, and even on my weakest days.
I am powerful because I can be.
Love, xoxo.